Most Common Car Repairs and How to Fix Them

Car Therapy
2 min readApr 1, 2023

You may need to fix various things on your car at some time. Oil changes, tyre repairs, and battery swaps are just a few of the most frequent. Fortunately, fixing these issues typically doesn’t take too much time or money.

Keeping your car in good condition requires regular oil changes. Ensuring that a properly maintained engine yields optimally performing vehicles is an important task and one that shouldn’t be taken on by anyone inexperienced. Replacing the old oil with fresh provides an excellent opportunity to freshen the entire motor; but, it’s wise to consult owners’ manuals or contact a qualified mechanic before attempting this process alone — just in case!

If you find yourself in need of a quick fix, replacing an inflated flat tyre is typically a straightforward task. Fortunately, it’s not too difficult to locate and secure spare tyres if you’re prepared; however, if you’ve forgotten or lack one altogether, roadside services can help out — provided that such assistance has not already been arranged beforehand. Always be ready for emergencies by being aware of how to change flat tyres!

Ultimately, one possibility for a car repair in Wellington is to swap out the battery. This may not be an arduous task, but it’s advisable to consult your owner’s manual or seek assistance from an expert technician before taking any action. It could well turn out that if your battery hasn’t been performing as expected after long intervals of time — let alone functioning at all — it might be time for a replacement!



Car Therapy

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